Welcome to a special SOS Top Ten series called Change It Up. For years you’ve told us the best part of the SOS is their adaptability for use across grade levels and content areas.
In this series, we take tried and true Spotlight on Strategies (CDN Version) instructional ideas and share ways to adjust or adapt for your classroom.
We’d love to know what your favorite adaptations are; visit the DEN Online Community to share more ideas!
Change It Up:
Strategy: Three Truths and One Lie (CDN Version)
Big idea: After using Discovery Education digital media (video, audio, text, or a combination), students identify three true statements and one false statement. They try to stump their peers—or perhaps their teacher—by presenting those statements and asking them to identify which one is the lie.
In any subject…
…Jenny Lockwood shared a great idea for using Three Truths and One Lie as an assessment tool. In a recent #DENchat on Twitter, she said: “It allowed me to see what the students know about the content in an open-ended way while also using higher order thinking by creating the lie.”
…Sarah Platero tweeted a suggestion for using Discovery Education transcripts to find content to formulate Three Truths and One Lie. Both students and teachers could benefit from this great idea!
…Lindsay Foster tweeted a suggestion for pairing Three Truths and One Lie with Kahoot, allowing each student to fully engage with trying to figure out which of the statements is a lie. This could work with many different grade levels and subject areas.
In professional development sessions…
…use Three Truths and One Lie as a team builder. Encourage participants to share things that will help the group learn more about them. Be prepared for laughter and disbelief as the truths and lies are revealed!
In geometry…
…ask students to define geometric shapes using three characteristics that are true, and one that is not. Have students gather in groups to see who knows which of the statements is not true.
In social studies or history…
…provide students with one true statement about a historical person, place, or event. Then, ask them to identify who/what it is referencing and then generate the other two truths and one lie.
from Discovery Education https://ift.tt/2SRCdTo
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