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Tuesday, 6 February 2018

All about NEET-2018. (News, update and facts)

NEET exams are basically conducted for the students appearing for MBBS and BDS courses in India. The term “NEET” is elaborated as National Eligibility Entrance Exam which is a single tier admission test for colleges giving Dental and Medical educations. The education comes under Dental & Medical Council of India.
 Last year, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the official examination organiser of NEET 2018 released the exam notification on last week of January. A total number of 11,38,890 candidates have applied for NEET 2017 exam, out of which 10,90,085 appeared in the exam. According to CBSE, 6,11,539 qualified the exam
 After declaration of result, MCI conducts 15% all India qouta seats counselling and rest 85% seats admission are done by state counselling authorities, colleges, universities.

Courses Offered by NEET:
1. BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery)
2. MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery)


NEET 2018 exam is expected to be held on May first week. The students will be given two months' time to apply for the exam. Last year, NEET online application started on January 31 and ended on March 1(But still it is not announce). The exam results will be declared in June. 

Though, the NEET 2017 results were scheduled to be declared on June 8, 2017, but, it was delayed due to the legal troubles. Finally, the 
NEET 2017 results were declared on June 23, 2017.

NEET 2018: Syllabus

CBSE has recently released a major update on the NEET 2018 examinations syllabus. According to the board, the Syllabus of NEET 2018 will be exactly same as it was for NEET, 2017. It also said there is no change in the syllabus for NEET (UG), 2018. 

NEET 2018: Exam
The 3 hour NEET entrance test will be consisted of one paper containing 180 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen provided by CBSE at examination centre.
·         NEET 2018 exam date has been announced. CBSE is conducting NEET UG on 6th May 2018. Exam duration will be of 3 hours comprising of papers of physics – 45 questions, chemistry – 45 questions, biology – 90 questions.

The sealed Test-Booklets will be given to every candidate, fifteen minutes before the commencement of the test.
    ·         There will be a single question paper for all languages in NEET 2018. This shall ensure equality in paper difficulty for all candidates.
·         Language: framing of question paper shall be in the following languages including- Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, Bengali, Assamese, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu.
·         Marking Scheme: +4 marks for correct answer
·         Negative Marking: -1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer
NEET 2018 Eligibility Criteria
A candidate is strongly advised to check his/her eligibility before applying. Since there have been some changes in the entrance test, candidates must go through the criteria carefully. You will have to satisfy 3 standards initially.
(i) Age Limit
·         Minimum Age: individual applying must be at least 17 years old as on or before 31st December of 2018.
·         Maximum Age: individual applying must be less than 25 years (for unreserved candidates) and 30 years (for SC, ST, OBC).
CBSE is yet to confirm age limit.
(ii) Nationality Conditions
·         Nationality: Applicant must be Indian National or Non Resident Indians (NRIs), Oversees Citizen of India (OCIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), Foreign National.
·         J&K/AP/Telangana: NEET 2018 aspirants from J&K/AP/Telangana shall be entitled to an All India 15% quota only if they submit self-declaration.
·         Aadhaar Card Requirement: Indian Nationals must produce Aadhaar Number details and fill the 18 digit number in the space while filling the application form.
(iii) Qualification
·         Examination: a 12th class qualification or equivalent is essential.
·         Subjects: Subjects studied at 12th class level should include Chemistry, Physics, Biology/Biotechnology with English.
·         10+2 appearing- students going to appear in 12th are also eligible to apply.
·         Marks Requirement: In the qualifying exam (PCB group), candidate should have obtained at least 50% marks for GEN, whereas for general-PH, the requirement is 45% marks while for SC/ST and OBC, the requirement is 40%.

NEET Cut offs from previous years

·         The NEET score is given out of 720 marks. The category-wise number of candidates who qualified NEET 2017, along with the marks required to qualify in each category, are mentioned in the table below.

·         NEET Cut off 2017 scores and category-wise qualified candidates
NEET 2017 Qualification Percentile
NEET 2017 Qualifying Score as per qualification percentile (out of 720)
Number of Candidates Qualified
50th Percentile
40th Percentile
40th Percentile
40th Percentile
45th Percentile
40th Percentile
40th Percentile
40th Percentile

NEET 2018: How to apply.?

Step 1: Go to the official website of NEET UG NEET 2018, http://cbseneet.nic.in/
Step 2: Click on "Apply Online" and fill the form and note down your Registration Number
Step 3: Upload photo and signature
Step 4: Make Payment of Fee as per the notification suggests
Step 5: You may Print Confirmation Page after Successful payment of fee.

And at the last, be confident in your self.
I will post some post regarding preparation also.