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Friday, 8 February 2019

#CelebrateWithDE International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution to declare February 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, “in order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.” Celebrate this important day with Discovery Education by inspiring all your students with the stories of women and girls who are paving the way to innovation, discovery, and solutions. Then, encourage your students to both dream about their futures and research role models of their own.

Major League Baseball STEM Career Profiles

Women have made it to the major leagues in science. This series features two women who are making baseball better with science.

MLB STEM Career Profile: Head Groundskeeper
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Full Video [05:00]

Nicole Sherry, Head Groundskeeper for the Baltimore Orioles, explains what sparked her interest and shares how she uses plant biology and meteorology to maintain a pristine playing surface.


MLB STEM Career Profile: Vice President of Ballpark Operations
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Full Video [04:37]

Sue Lucchi, VP of Ballpark Operations for the New York Mets, describes her career path in facilities management and how she uses science on a daily basis.

NASA Space Science

We have resources about women in space science, including a reading passage series about astronauts (appropriate for grades 3-12). We’ve highlighted three, but the series has more: search “NASA Astronaut Biography” to find them all. (This series is available in Streaming, Math Techbook, Science Techbook, and Social Studies Techbook.)

NASA Astronaut Biography: Dr. Mae C. Jemison
(Canadian Version)


NASA Astronaut Biography: Dr Kalpana Chawla
(Canadian Version)


NASA Astronaut Biography: Dr. Kathleen Rubins
(Canadian Version)

NAVY STEM Career Profiles

This series highlights STEM careers in the US Navy, including these two profiles of women serving.

NAVY STEM Career Profiles: Cryptologic Technician
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades 6-8, 9-12, Video Segment [01:03]

Introduces Amy Jones, a cryptologic technician in the US Navy. Jones combats virtual enemies and protects the Navy from cyber attacks.


NAVY STEM Career Profiles: Nuclear Engineer
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades 6-8, 9-12, Video Segment [01:00]

Presents Jean Barnwell, a nuclear engineer in the US Navy. Barnwell is involved in the design, development, and disposal of nuclear vessels.


Ensuring biodiversity requires scientists dedicated to studying and teaching about nature, read about a woman doing just that.

Study the Scientist: An Ornithologist
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Full Video [03:57]

Wildlife biologist Sarah Stock, who is an ornithologist specializing in owls, discusses the diversity of bird species that live in Yosemite National Park.


All of the women featured in the resources worked hard and smart to make their career dreams come true. Extend the inspiration! Encourage students to think about a field or a career they might be interested in pursuing. Run a few rounds of Four Corners (Canadian Version) to help them start to narrow down their skills and interests to support brainstorming and discussion. Then, have them research people leading the way in their dream field in order to identify a role model. Have them report out on their role model at the end of the activity using a presentation strategy like Pecha Kucha (Canadian Version) or Paper Slide (Canadian Version). Share your newfound role models on social media using #CelebrateWithDE.

Interested in joining classrooms around the world to Celebrate holidays year round? Check out our Timely Content Page for our Virtual Viewing Parties and more Instructional Strategies.

from Discovery Education http://bit.ly/2SDNppz

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