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Friday, 8 February 2019

#CelebrateWithDE – Valentine’s Day

Does science make your heart beat faster? Celebrate a heart-themed Valentine’s Day in a fresh, academic way. We’ve selected resources about heart anatomy, function, and health. Have your students study the resources and see if they can put it all together into a heart-healthy, sweet Valentine for the people in their lives. Happy Valentine’s Day – we LOVE the work you do!

Content Collection: Valentine’s Day
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Assorted Resources

Focus on the Feast of Saint Valentine, or Valentine’s Day, a holiday celebrated around the world on February 14. Originally a religious holiday, Valentine’s Day came to be associated with romantic love during the Middle Ages.


Play this sound effect on a loop as students enter the room and use the strategy Surround Sound (Canadian Version), from our Spotlight on Strategies series, to engage students at the start of class.


(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming
Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Sound Effect

Heart Beating Normal Speed


From parts of the heart to how it all works, even automatically, to how to keep it healthy, these resources work together.

More Science Please: Follow the Beat of Your Heart
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades K-2, 3-5,Full Video [05:55]

Explores each part of the heart and reveals how the heart provides the entire body with blood and oxygen.

Science in Progress: Reviewing the Cardiovascular System
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades 6-8, Full Video [03:22]

Provides a detailed overview of the cardiovascular system by introducing the role of each part of the heart and by revealing how the cardiovascular system works with other body systems.


How to Build: Pacemaker
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming, Science Techbook
Grades 6-8, 9-12, Video Segment [06:20]

Teaches the fundamentals of how to build a pacemaker for a human heart and explains how a pacemaker replicates the sinoatrial node.


NFL PLAY 60 Challenge: Your Roadmap to a Healthy Heart
(Canadian Version)
Discovery Education Streaming
Grades K-2,3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Full Video [20:08]

Join Minnesota Vikings Kyle Rudolph and Everson Griffen and American Heart Association volunteer Dr. Courtney Baechler on a journey to learn how the heart really works and how you can boost heart health.


Can your students follow the flow of the resources from anatomy to function to ways to boost heart health? Use the strategy Four to One (Canadian Version) to encourage small groups to develop meaningful summaries of how the whole system functions. Once their summaries are done, have them create special Valentines for friends, family, other classrooms, etc. with heart healthy, science-based messages! Share your students’ sweetest Valentines on social media with #CelebrateWithDE.

Interested in joining classrooms around the world to Celebrate holidays year round? Check out our Timely Content Page for our Virtual Viewing Parties and more Instructional Strategies.

from Discovery Education http://bit.ly/2TEv9d9

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